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Innovative Study Reveals VR's Role in Alleviating Pre-Surgery Fears

John Campos

14 Nov 2023

A Clinical Study's Breakthrough in Managing Surgical Anxiety

Hong Kong, November 2023 - In a groundbreaking study, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, in collaboration with Singapore General Hospital, has discovered a new therapeutic use for virtual reality (VR) in the medical field: easing preoperative anxiety in patients.

The research, involving a significant number of participants, revealed that VR experiences can significantly reduce anxiety levels in patients awaiting surgery. This innovative approach involves immersing patients in calming virtual environments, thereby diverting their attention from the impending procedure and reducing stress.

Dr. Yuen, lead researcher at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, explained, "We've harnessed the power of VR to create a tranquil and immersive experience for patients. This technique has been shown to lower heart rates and ease the psychological burden associated with surgery."

The study utilized a range of serene landscapes and interactive scenarios in the VR sessions, carefully designed to promote relaxation and mental peace. Patients reported feeling more relaxed and less anxious after the VR experience, a stark contrast to the usual preoperative anxiety.

Singapore General Hospital has already begun incorporating this VR technology into its preoperative procedures, receiving positive feedback from both patients and medical staff. Dr. Tan, a surgeon at the hospital, noted, "This VR intervention has not only improved the emotional well-being of our patients but also enhanced the overall surgical experience."

The study's success points to a broader application of VR technology in healthcare, extending beyond entertainment and gaming. It opens the door for future research in other areas of patient care and psychological support, showcasing the untapped potential of VR in improving patient outcomes and experiences.

The medical community is constantly exploring and integrating innovative technologies, and VR's role in healthcare is expected to grow significantly. This study is a significant step forward in patient-centred care, highlighting the importance of mental well-being in medical treatment and recovery.

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